How can BIG Acts help you?
Don’t we all want to be able to say, “I’ve made a positive difference in the world! I did something BIG!”
Doing something BIG is not easy. We help leaders find the clarity, focus, and courage to to do something Beyond Imaginable Greatness. The services we offer to support this include Strategic Alignment, Leadership Coaching, and Wilderness Experiences.
Strategic Alignment
Purpose-driven companies have the added complexity of balancing purpose with profit to accelerate impact. Leading for growth & impact requires strong strategic alignment. Yet a lot of purpose-driven companies do not have the depths of alignment that they need
Leadership Coaching
Being a leader is hard. Being a purpose-driven leader is harder. We we help purpose-driven leaders find the clarity, focus, and courage to to do BIG things.
Wilderness Experiences
Experiential learning programs using wilderness skills as a vehicle for self-observation and reflection enabling people to gain greater awareness around where their effectiveness is being constrained by negative, reactive patterns.