So, what’s a Zagonist Leader?
Sounds like you might be a fellow Zagonist Leader looking to do BIG things in the world for positive environmental and social progress. Or maybe you help to develop Zagonist Leaders? Or not sure who is a Zagonist Leader? Learn more below.
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. ”
There are those who look at the state of the world today and think, “There’s nothing I can do. The problems are just too big and too hard to solve.” And then there are the Zagonist Leaders. While most people zig toward apathy and complacency, Zagonist Leaders zag into the world’s biggest challenges with a healthy dose of hope and optimism and dash of “f’ that” to how things have traditionally been done. They don’t reject tradition lightly; they’ve just seen that following the well-worn path is not moving us collectively to a place of thriving.
For them, zagging is not about being different for the sake of being different. Zagonist Leaders are not rebels without a cause. Cause is at the center of their everything. They are guided by a compass that compels them to do BIG things for people, the planet, and ALL its beautiful species.
Zagonist Leaders are not the people that you might expect. You can certainly find them in the C-suite leading great companies and NGOs to improve lives and planetary health. But they are elsewhere. They are the students organizing their peers to help ensure a future where everyone and everything can thrive. They are the intrapreneurs who are patiently attempting to change policies, practices, or products one conversation at a time within larger organizations. And they are the impatient people who decide change cannot happen from the inside, so they venture out on an entrepreneurial path.
Regardless of where they are or where they come from, Zagonist Leaders are united by one belief: our current model and concept of leadership is not working and they are going to take a zag and do things differently.
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Photo credit: Photo by Mike Swigunski on Unsplash