Our Research
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Regenerative Systems for Leadership Development (2024)
We conducted this research in late 2023 to early 2024. The research fundamentally explored the question: What mindsets, worldviews, traits, behaviors, and skills form the ‘Leadership Plus’ that helps leaders we call the Zagonists to create positive environmental or social change that benefits the world and all its species, now and for future generations?
Interested in reviewing our full research paper, “Regenerative Systems Leadership Development: 2024 Viewpoint”? Fill out the form below.
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ADD SOME ROMANCE HERE >>> Zagonist is a term that we use to describe people who seek to lead environmentally or socially progressive change, formally or informally, as intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs. Broadly, it’s a descriptor for those people who zag, when everyone else is zigging. In our POV, zagging is not about being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian. Zagonists are not rebels without a cause. They follow a different compass, feeling compelled to help to make the world a better place where we, all species, can thrive.
You might be a current or future Zagonist leader if you . . . .
Consider yourself to be a lifelong learner.
Like to challenge yourself with new things
Are passionate about the envionment or social justice.
And you’re a leader, informally or formally
Simply put, Jeremy Litchfield’s imagination.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Drop us a line to receive our recent research by filling out this form . . . . Thanks!
Header photo credit: Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash
Form photo credit: Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash